Questions for YOU my readers

Hello there—
I’m thinking of making some changes to my blog and I wanted to know what you, my readers, would think.

I am wondering if I should change the name of my blog. This would be the third time for me, as before, as some of you might remember, I had named it “Food Intolerances Cook” which is actually closer to the direction I think this blog has been going. I changed it to the Frugally Rich Life because that is how I love to live…and though I’m still learning, I do my best to live that way. But, I found that I don’t have a ton to share about this and I also find that writing about it bores me. What I love sharing is the recipes on this site and my love of cooking and occasionally my crafting too.

So, I have thought about changing the name and possibly the blog address of this blog to fit more of what I aim to share on this site. (Again, mainly recipes that are gluten-free, dairy-free, and refined sugar-free although I may in the future if my diet changes, so will my recipes. But, just between you and me, I don’t think much will change. :))
I am passionate about cooking this way and I love to share what I learn and the recipes I create or modify.
My dilemma though is that most of you know me by “The Frugally Rich Life” and I don’t want to lose all of you either….but I don’t feel like the title for my blog or the blog address, fits either. I want you to know by looking at the title more of what I focus on.
I’m not sure what my new title should be (which would be the new blog address to most likely) but if you have any ideas, be sure to let me know.

I am also wanting to create more of professional atmosphere with this change. I’m always changing the blog theme and things around because I am never satisfied with how it looks. I am hoping to learn how to make things look more professional like some of my favorite friends in the blog-o-sphere’s sites such asΒ Diet, Dessert, and Dogs, Simply Sugar and Gluten-Free, The Spunky Coconut, Lexie’s Kitchen, Z’s Cup of Tea, Delectably Free, andΒ Elana’s Pantry, just to name a few. (Note: They are all linked to a recipe of theirs I am dying to try. πŸ™‚ So, if you have tips for helping me in that area, or know how to make a header (like I attempted…but got two..the boring text one and the one I created), let me know.

Phew! That was a lot longer post than I intended. Anyways, here’s a recap of what I want to know:

1. Should I change the blog name and or address? Why?

2. Tips for helping to make the switch

3. Tips for making my blog more professional looking.

4. Thanks so much!




  1. kitblu

    More professional look – use fewer colours – maybe a monochrome look (doesn’t have to be black & white) or complementary colours. No cartoon pig (gy bank). Different sections on the page – links to blogs you follow or that inspire you; links to your archives.
    Ideas for blog name: Ariana Answers; Ariana Anticipates; Imagine You Can Eat It – with no problem; Get Down to Basics; E.A.T. – everything Adriana thinks/teaches/tells/tolerates/tackles/targets/tries/thoughts.
    These are only thoughts to stimulate a brainstorm.
    Best of luck,

  2. Hi Ariana,
    Thanks so much for including me in that esteemed list. πŸ™‚ Re: changes here, I think if you really don’t feel connected to the blog title, there’s no reason not to change it. I’ve seen other bloggers change the name on the blog page without changing the actual URL, so they don’t lose readers.

    Having said that, I think that different headers, colors, etc. are fine, but the reason readers come to a blog is primarily the content–what you say and your recipes. I’d conentrate on making those what you want them to be before you spend too much time changing the other parts. I hired someone to do those changes for me as I have NO idea how to do them myself! πŸ˜‰

    Good luck and I will look forward to reading–whatever you decide. πŸ™‚

    • kitblu

      Good advice. I think some of my titles focused on what you seemed to be about.

      Good luck!

  3. Sarah F

    I am personally new to your blog, so the name is new to me anyway. Changing a name is never easy for anyone involved, however if you do choose to change it, it would help me if your first few posts would remind us of the old blog name.

    About the address itself, is it possible to keep the old address and link the new one to it (so people can continue to find it)?

    I think that a page design that’s cream-colored with a pretty nature photo at the top would be gorgeous. Maybe add some designs along the edges of the page, such as green/brown swirls?

  4. Ari — Welcome to the club! I, too, am a perfectionist and never satisfied with things. Honored to make your list, though!

    I think we’re sometimes our own worst critics. Just continue to be yourself and post yummy recipes, stories and tips and I will always be a fan, among many others, I’m sure.

    That said, if you want a change, just play around with things. For what it’s worth, I think the free MistyLook theme on is really nice and clean looking.

  5. Linda Sue

    I am delighted to have just now found your blog. I’ve been to so many, including Once Apon A Plate which is one of the gorgeous ones out there. Blogs of all levels of professionalism attract me, not just the ones that look” totally done” and probably by a paid expert.

    I’d like to bookmark this blog, then if you change, I’d like to come here and see at the top of the home/current/last entry page a short and sweet redirection to the new one. It could be linked or just the url; I know how to paste it and get there.
    Hopefully, this isn’t a blog space you’re charged for to make this easy.

    As DDDtesting and Beth said, whatever you do will be fine with us. Let it be a natural playing for you and not something to add stress to your days. Stress kills. You’re on a path to the genuine well-being that your wonderful better food choices can offer. We’re easy to please and many of us who never say a word in posts are excited by what we find here to help our own bodies feel better.

    I’m comforted to see you crawl back on the health wagon after stress-destructo-eating and it’s devastating effects as I am doing the same. I’m doing homeopathic hCG drops with the Simeon’s protocol diet for round 2 and I hope my final round, but I went nuts over the holidays and about died before it was over. Back on the diet, my health is clearing marvelously with no dairy, gluten, sugar, etc. But I search for help for my post-diet better body care, so you are very much appreciated! I love that you post recipes, pics and links with generosity and kindness. We’ll follow you where you go and whatever you call your blog!

  6. Linda Sue

    By the way, I like your title and thought it was appropriate to the things you ARE posting. We are frugal because we can’t eat all that GMO laden commercial food, and it’s the rich life because we’re so darned clever to provide ourselves with these scrumptious, yummy, soul-satisfying recipes without feeling deprived at all!


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