Category Archives: Non-Dairy Milk

Sweet Milk- A delicious, natural alternative to other sweeteners, including honey, etc

“Sweet Milk”                 vs               “Regular Milk” I recently borrowed this wonderful, older book from my college library. I was amazed they even had it. I’m pretty sure I will be purchasing it soon. It’s called Sweet and Natural Desserts without Sugar, Honey, Molasses, or Artificial Sweeteners and it’s by Janet Warrington. Though published in 1982, I …

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Homemade EASY, LOW-FAT Coconut Milk

I love coconut milk but… I have a hard time handling large amounts of fat at once. Plus, no matte how delicious coconut milk is, it’s pretty much cream and not easily drinkable. So (before Turtle Mountain came out with their version-or at least before I knew about it), I set about to make my …

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Homemade Almond Milk: Delicious, low calories, and low cost! Under a $1 a quart!

I recently decided to try my hand at almond milk since I had success with rice milk and wanted to give this one a try. I have purchased almond milk from the store before (and liked it) but $6-7 a quart! that’s a lot of muhlah! I based my recipe of another one I saw …

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My Homemade “Rice Dream"/ Rice Milk

How many of you out there LOVE “Rice Dream” by Imagine Foods? I do! My favorite is original, although I haven’t tried chocolate! Anyway, I was thinking about how I could save some money and thought about once again trying to make rice milk. I had tried in the past with OK results but always …

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